Total Online E-services
Total Registered Citizens
ISSS SCHEME Registration
NSAP SCHEME Registration

1. Integrated Social Security Scheme (ISSS): is a State/UT Sponsored Scheme for the poor people falling below poverty line (BPL). Under ISSS there are three components namely Old Age Pension (OAP), Women in Distress (WID) and Physically Challenged Person (PCP).

2. National Social Assistance Programme(NSAP): is a centrally sponsored schemes for the poor people falling below poverty line (BPL). Under NSAP, there are three components namely IGNOAPS (Indira Gandhi National Old age pension scheme), IGNWPS (Indira Gandhi National Widow pension scheme) and IGNDPS (Indira Gandhi National Disability pension scheme)

The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of the Government of India aims to make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man. The State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) a core component in e Governance infrastructure under the NeGP, can simplify this task by acting as a standards based messaging switch and providing seamless interoperability and exchange of data across. Department of IT, Government of India aims to utilize the Core Infrastructure i.e. SWAN, SDC & CSC be leveraged by developing applications & infrastructure required for deployment of state portal and State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) across the state and UTs.

1. The Project aims to enhance the services provided to the citizens through Common Service Centers (CSC?s)

2. To enable the citizens to download forms and submit applications electronically through a common gateway.

3. The physical forms presently available for various government services to be converted into E forms and made accessible to the citizens through the state portal.

4. The submitted e forms will be routed through State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) to respective field offices of the concerned department responsible for providing that particular service.

5. The above initiative would bring down the number of such citizen centric forms to a critical mass of a manageable number rather than the plethora of forms that are physically available at the moment.

6. This is the first step towards the eventual computerization of the processes that involve G2C service delivery.